Post by CirquePost by "- Prof. Jonez©"Get used to the echo in here, dumbfuck.
"just one drop of "nigger" blood
makes anyone a "nigger"."
Can't stand the ugly truth can you you bigoted
racist neo-con scumbag?
F. James Davis is a retired professor of sociology at Illinois State University.
He is the author of numerous books, including Who is Black? One Nation's
Definition (1991), from which this excerpt was taken.
To be considered black in the United States not even half of one's ancestry must
be African black. But will one-fourth do, or one-eighth, or less? The nation's
answer to the question 'Who is black?" has long been that a black is any person
with any known African black ancestry. This definition reflects the long
experience with slavery and later with Jim Crow segregation. In the South it
became known as the "one-drop rule,'' meaning that a single drop of "black
blood" makes a person a black. It is also known as the "one black ancestor
rule," some courts have called it the "traceable amount rule," and
anthropologists call it the "hypo-descent rule," meaning that racially mixed
persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition
emerged from the American South to become the nation's definition, generally
accepted by whites and blacks. Blacks had no other choice. As we shall see, this
American cultural definition of blacks is taken for granted as readily by
judges, affirmative action officers, and black protesters as it is by Ku Klux
Let us not he confused by terminology. At present the usual statement of the
one-drop rule is in terms of "black blood" or black ancestry, while not so long
ago it referred to "Negro blood" or ancestry. The term "black" rapidly replaced
"Negro" in general usage in the United States as the black power movement peaked
at the end of the 1960s, but the black and Negro populations are the same. The
term "black" is used in this book for persons with any black African lineage,
not just for unmixed members of populations from sub-Saharan Africa. The term
"Negro," which is used in certain historical contexts, means the same thing.
Terms such as "African black," "unmixed Negro," and "all black" are used here to
refer to unmixed blacks descended from African populations.
We must also pay attention to the terms "mulatto" and "colored." The term
"mulatto" was originally used to mean the offspring of a "pure African Negro"
and a "pure white." Although the root meaning of mulatto, in Spanish, is
"hybrid," "mulatto" came to include the children of unions between whites and
so-called "mixed Negroes." For example, Booker T. Washington and Frederick
Douglass, with slave mothers and white fathers, were referred to as mulattoes.
To whatever extent their mothers were part white, these men were more than half
white. Douglass was evidently part Indian as well, and he looked it. Washington
had reddish hair and gray eyes. At the time of the American Revolution, many of
the founding fathers had some very light slaves, including some who appeared to
be white. The term "colored" seemed for a time to refer only to mulattoes,
especially lighter ones, but later it became a euphemism for darker Negroes,
even including unmixed blacks. With widespread racial mixture, "Negro" came to
mean any slave or descendant of a slave, no matter how much mixed. Eventually in
the United States, the terms mulatto, colored, Negro, black, and African
American all came to mean people with any known black African ancestry.
Mulattoes are racially mixed, to whatever degree, while the terms black, Negro,
African American, and colored include both mulattoes and unmixed blacks. As we
shall see, these terms have quite different meanings in other countries.
Whites in the United States need some help envisioning the American black
experience with ancestral fractions. At the beginning of miscegenation between
two populations presumed to be racially pure, quadroons appear in the second
generation of continuing mixing with whites, and octoroons in the third. A
quadroon is one-fourth African black and thus easily classed as black in the
United States, yet three of this person's four grandparents are white. An
octoroon has seven white great-grandparents out of eight and usually looks white
or almost so. Most parents of black American children in recent decades have
themselves been racially mixed, but often the fractions get complicated because
the earlier details of the mixing were obscured generations ago. Like so many
white Americans, black people are forced to speculate about some of the
fractions-- one-eighth this, three-sixteenths that, and so on....
Not only does the one-drop rule apply to no other group than American blacks,
but apparently the rule is unique in that it is found only in the United States
and not in any other nation in the world. In fact, definitions of who is black
vary quite sharply from country to country, and for this reason people in other
countries often express consternation about our definition. James Baldwin
relates a revealing incident that occurred in 1956 at the Conference of
Negro-African Writers and Artists held in Paris. The head of the delegation of
writers and artists from the United States was John Davis. The French
chairperson introduced Davis and then asked him why he considered himself Negro,
since he certainly did not look like one. Baldwin wrote, "He is a Negro, of
course, from the remarkable legal point of view which obtains in the United
States, but more importantly, as he tried to make clear to his interlocutor, he
was a Negro by choice and by depth of involvement--by experience, in fact."
The phenomenon known as "passing as white" is difficult to explain in other
countries or to foreign students. Typical questions are: "Shouldn't Americans
say that a person who is passing as white is white, or nearly all white, and has
previously been passing as black?" or "To be consistent, shouldn't you say that
someone who is one-eighth white is passing as black?" or "Why is there so much
concern, since the so-called blacks who pass take so little negroid ancestry
with them?" Those who ask such questions need to realize that "passing" is much
more a social phenomenon than a biological one, reflecting the nation's unique
definition of what makes a person black. The concept of "passing" rests on the
one-drop rule and on folk beliefs about race and miscegenation, not on
biological or historical fact.
The black experience with passing as white in the United States contrasts with
the experience of other ethnic minorities that have features that are clearly
non-caucasoid. The concept of passing applies only to blacks--consistent with
the nation's unique definition of the group. A person who is one-fourth or less
American Indian or Korean or Filipino is not regarded as passing if he or she
intermarries and joins fully the life of the dominant community, so the minority
ancestry need not be hidden. It is often suggested that the key reason for this
is that the physical differences between these other groups and whites are less
pronounced than the physical differences between African blacks and whites, and
therefore are less threatening to whites. However, keep in mind that the
one-drop rule and anxiety about passing originated during slavery and later
received powerful reinforcement under the Jim Crow system.
For the physically visible groups other than blacks, miscegenation promotes
assimilation, despite barriers of prejudice and discrimination during two or
more generations of racial mixing. As noted above, when ancestry in one of these
racial minority groups does not exceed one-fourth, a person is not defined
solely as a member of that group. Masses of white European immigrants have
climbed the class ladder not only through education but also with the help of
close personal relationships in the dominant community, intermarriage, and
ultimately full cultural and social assimilation. Young people tend to marry
people they meet in the same informal social circles. For visibly non-caucasoid
minorities other than blacks in the United States, this entire route to full
assimilation is slow but possible.
For all persons of any known black lineage, however, assimilation is blocked and
is not promoted by miscegenation. Barriers to full opportunity and participation
for blacks are still formidable, and a fractionally black person cannot escape
these obstacles without passing as white and cutting off all ties to the black
family and community. The pain of this separation, and condemnation by the black
family and community, are major reasons why many or most of those who could pass
as white choose not to. Loss of security within the minority community, and fear
and distrust of the white world are also factors.
It should now be apparent that the definition of a black person as one with any
trace at all of black African ancestry is inextricably woven into the history of
the United States. It incorporates beliefs once used to justify slavery and
later used to buttress the castelike Jim Crow system of segregation. Developed
in the South, the definition of "Negro" (now black) spread and became the
nation's social and legal definition. Because blacks are defined according to
the one-drop rule, they are a socially constructed category in which there is
wide variation in racial traits and therefore not a race group in the scientific
sense. However, because that category has a definite status position in the
society it has become a self-conscious social group with an ethnic identity.
The one-drop rule has long been taken for granted throughout the United States
by whites and blacks alike, and the federal courts have taken "judicial notice"
of it as being a matter of common knowledge. State courts have generally upheld
the one-drop rule, but some have limited the definition to one thirty-second or
one-sixteenth or one-eighth black ancestry, or made other limited exceptions for
persons with both Indian and black ancestry. Most Americans seem unaware that
this definition of blacks is extremely unusual in other countries, perhaps even
unique to the United States, and that Americans define no other minority group
in a similar way. . . .
We must first distinguish racial traits from cultural traits, since they are so
often confused with each other. As defined in physical anthropology and biology,
races are categories of human beings based on average differences in physical
traits that are transmitted by the genes not by blood. Culture is a shared
pattern of behavior and beliefs that are learned and transmitted through social
communication. An ethnic group is a group with a sense of cultural identity,
such as Czech or Jewish Americans, but it may also be a racially distinctive
group. A group that is racially distinctive in society may be an ethnic group as
well, but not necessarily. Although racially mixed, most blacks in the United
States are physically distinguishable from whites, but they are also an ethnic
group because of the distinctive culture they have developed within the general
American framework.
Post by Cirque"And most of the "real" indians are loser drunkards stuck
on the reservation."
"Ward Churchill has done more for the Native Americans
than 1000s of "real injuns" combined."
Law banning Indians in Boston
Boston, MA, May. 20 (UPI) -- The Massachusetts Legislature has sent Gov Mitt
Romney a bill that would repeal a 1670s-era bill that bans American Indians from
entering Boston.
Romney is expected to sign the measure, removing a law from the state's books
that was enacted during a war between Massachusetts' European settlers and
American Indians, the Boston Globe reported Friday. Colony leaders in the 1670s
feared American Indians living in Boston would side with people fighting the
colonists during King Philip's War.
The newspaper said no one can recall the last time the law was enforced and some
state leaders believe it was overridden by the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution.
The law was brought up as a possible deterrent to Boston's efforts to convince
Unity -- a group of minority journalists that includes American Indians -- to
have its 2008 convention in Boston, the Globe said. Unity organizers are to
announce next month which of three cities -- Boston, Chicago or Washington --
will be the host for the 2008 convention of about 9,000 people.
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