Post by Orwellian ProphecyPost by Uncle SamuelPost by Orwellian ProphecyPost by LoveUSAPost by Orwellian ProphecyIf you're an immoral criminal supporter with $5 to burn. Money that was
stolen from Social Security under the Bush Rape and Pillage Fest.
you wouldnt know morality if it hit you upside your dope smoking head.
Post by Orwellian ProphecyI fucking hate right wing idiots.
I hope Bush is impeached for his criminal ties to evil right wing
businesses trying to hijack and modify this election.
LOL your an idiot and obviously hate capitalism. Evil right wing
business? Go back to russia you marxist. Your oatmeal for brains
will accept anything the lennonist feed it.
Post by Orwellian ProphecyThis is what Spamuel accused Soros of doing, except Soros never
broke campaign finance laws like Sinclair is doing. If you want to
be indignant about asshats illegally funding an election
manipulation, be incensed about this travesty!
Your right about sorros and skerry. Thier both well educated and
intelligent. However george sorros is anti American and anti
capitalist. A commie socialist just like you, you obviously hate
anything and everything thats not socialist. So much hate you are
going to have an anurism.
I love how you usefull leftist idiots condemn the conservatives
for having too much money, and all the while your supporting george
sorros and skerry, two of the richest men in the world. One made
his wealth by nearly destroying two economies, and the other married
into his and sustains it by sending all his factories overseas and
not employing americans. Greed! Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Post by Orwellian ProphecySinclair is breaking the law and I hope they will be brought to justice!
LOL, when your comrads in CBS,NBC,ABC, New York times, AP, AFP ,
micheal moore, al jazeera , hollywood,<insert Major media here> will
stop trying to destroy the republican party and be fair and balanced
then there would be no need for sinclair to show this documentary.
Prosecute all those above first.
Post by Orwellian Prophecy--
Orwell saw this coming. Bush is Big Brother, and you're fucked.
Hell no, Bush must go!
Vote Nov 2: Bush finally gets his pink slip.
This orwellian person is insane. Shudder to think your walking the
streets in boulder....well not really you belong there. So much
hate and anger, so much vitrial for
America. This comming from the leftist's who all claim to have all
the compassion and tolerance for thier fellow man. You must be a
100% avowed marxist commie. Your kind is not wanted in a freedom
loving America. You are the cancer of humanity, and detriment to all
societies with your failed pitiful system of government and a
horrendous human rights records. Dont preach to us about our
Government or our President. Go back to china or russia or your
fasict arabic dictatorship whence you oozed out from.
Shut the fuck up, child.
At least I can spell "Soros." And I know he is an American citizen,
sworn to protect and obey the laws of this country, something you
probably never had to think about. And I know he is a successful
capitalist, something again you never had to worry about being.
"The Man Who Broke the Bank of England"
On Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992)
Is that all you have?
No, it isn't...but it is hugely revelatory of his character, or lack
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Soros' "Reform"
By James O. E. Norell
First Freedoms | May 31, 2004
If there were an illustration accompanying the word "hypocrisy" in the
dictionary, it would be an engraving of globalist billionaire George Soros.
Soros, one of the richest men in the world, backed campaign finance
reform with huge cash donations to a wide variety of Washington "reform"
special interest groups to accomplish what his funding conduit called an
effort "to reduce the corrupting influence of very large donors" and to
ban pre-election "issue advocacy" ads by groups like the NRA.
Now, arch-reformer Soros is pouring perhaps as much as $30-million of
his own money into left-wing "progressive" organizations he believes are
uniquely inoculated against the restrictions of the very law Soros
bought and paid for – restrictions like the ban on
Broadcast political advertising.
When the U.S. Senate debated the so-called campaign finance reform bill,
March 19, 2001, U.S. Sen. Susan M. Collins (R-Maine) said of The
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 (BCRA), "First and foremost, the
bill closes the most glaring loophole in our campaign finance laws by
banning the unlimited, unregulated contributions known as ‘soft money.’
Second, the bill regulates and limits the campaign advertisements
masquerading as issue ads that corporations and labor organizations
often run in the weeks leading up to an election. And third, the bill
prohibits foreign nationals from contributing soft money in connection
with federal, state, or local elections."
That oppressive law, which NRA opposed in Congress, and fought all the
way to the U.S. Supreme Court, bans any broadcast "issue advocacy"
advertising paid for by independent organizations like NRA or by unions
if the ads "refer to" a candidate for Federal office and can be seen or
heard by people who are eligible to vote for that candidate. The ban
takes effect 30 day before a primary and 60 days before the general
election. And the ban has criminal penalties attached. Under rules
adopted by the FEC, an ad that even refers to a candidate by generic
title, such as "the President," is prohibited. An ad where the viewer
can guess the subject of the ad is also prohibited.
U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) voiced the "reformers"
definition of the evil term "soft money" during the floor debate,
saying, "Money that threatens to drown out the voice of the average
voter of average means; money that creates the appearance that a wealthy
few have a disproportionate say over public policy…"
But in terms of the public policy of so-called campaign finance reform,
Dodd’s words couldn’t have been truer. Without Soros spending at least
$18 million to fund an army of the slickest "public interest" D.C.
lobbyists and PR spin meisters, it is doubtful that McCain-Feingold
would have become law. Soros was the hand in the sock-puppet.
Once he bought that "disproportionate say" over that public policy,
Soros moved on to fund opposition to the NRA’s U.S. Supreme Court
challenge to the broadcast ban, and the umbrella suit bearing the name
of U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnel, which challenged most sections of BCRA on
First Amendment grounds.
Having done that, Soros moved on to what may have been his real purpose.
The Washington Post – in a fawning November 11, 2003 profile interview
with Soros – served up his political manifesto, erasing illusions about
the "soft money reform," or at least the notion of the average little
guy versus the average billionaire.
"George Soros, one of the world's richest men, has given away nearly $5
billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia.
Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush.
"‘It is the central focus of my life,’ Soros said."
In fact, Soros said he would spend all the billions of dollars in his
personal fortune if he could be guaranteed that President Bush would be
cast out of the White House.
Does that statement meet Chris Dodd’s cry of concern? "Money that
threatens to drown out the voice of the average voter of average means"
is a phrase that surely describes most NRA members, who pooling
individual worth could not match the fortune at Soros’ disposal.
Soros believes he is the apostle of something he calls "the open
society" under which national sovereignty is subjugated to global
"democracy;" a vision that includes the borderless spread of
international gun control. Soros has promoted this cause with an
outpouring of funds from his Open Society Institute (OSI), which he also
used to fund campaign finance lobbying for the last half of the 1990’s.
The Washington Post puff piece on Soros was sparked by news that the
one-world billionaire had given $5-million – the largest "soft money"
contribution in American history -- to an organization called It was the first of many such massive Soros contributions to
this and other similar "stealth" groups set up after enactment of
But Soros, as an unspeakably wealthy donor, is not alone. He is an
enabler, a networker, a fund-raiser sparking huge contributions from
other leftist billionaires – personal friends and business associates --
like Peter B. Lewis, chairman of Progressive Corp. (insurance), and
Hollywood mogul Stephen Bing. These friends have ponied up millions to
fund, along with other shadowy, under-the-radar political
Soros -- a self-styled citizen of the world who has spent billions
meddling in the internal affairs of many nations -- has been credited
with wrecking national currencies and toppling governments.
Soros has compared Bush to Hitler and told a European audience he was
seeking "regime change" in the U.S. "America, under Bush, is a danger to
the world, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is," Soros
told the Washington Post.
He told Bill Moyer’s PBS NOW broadcast that his multi-million-dollar
gift is "the same kind of grass roots organizing that we did when we
helped in Slovakia when Mechar was defeated, in Croatia when Tudjman was
defeated and in Yugoslavia when Milisovioc…" He is widely credited last
year with funding the revolution that ousted the elected leader in the
former Soviet Republic, Georgia.
How does the infusion of billionaire dollars to bring about a
"regime change" in America?
What Soros’ and his "progressive" billionaire partners are getting from in return for their breathtaking "soft money" largess is a
massive attack-ad campaign – which they believe is immune from BCRA –
designed to move radical voters to "take back America." That means
"take" the power of the national government – the White House and Congress.
In targeting President Bush, The Voter Fund website brags,
"We will produce convincing anti-Bush TV spots and get them on the air
in targeted states. We will buy enough airtime to effectively deliver
our message to swing voters in those states.
We will sustain our advertising presence continually throughout the
pre-primary and primary periods."
So how is it that is doing what law-abiding non-profit grass
roots organizations cannot do? And how is it that even the "appearance
of corruption" that soft money represented doesn’t apply to Soros.
Soros and his fellow billionaire travelers are poster boys for what they
once claimed were the evils of soft money. But in Soros’ grand vision of
himself, "the corrupting influence of very large donors" (his OSI’s
words) doesn’t apply to him or his pure motives. In his thick Hungarian
accent, he told National Public Radio that his massive contributions to
affect the November 2004 elections were morally above question.
"I am not motivated by self-interest but by what I believe to be the
public interest. So when the Republican National Committee attacks me
and distorts my motives… You see, I'm different from their
contributors," he said.
In other words, Soros believes he is above the law, above even the
question of appearance of corruption, because, in his heart he knows
he’s right. Soros indeed believes he is special -- not just in moral
purity, but under the law as well.
While the long debate over campaign finance was rife with the use of the
pejorative, "loophole," Soros and the handful of "progressive" political
activists he funds believe they have found total immunity from the laws
Soros paid so heavily to have applied to everyone else. The loophole
they have sought comes not in the BCRA, but in the Federal Tax Code,
which covers certain entities known as "527’s."
Since it is now against the law for national parties to receive "soft
money" -- which they used in pre-McCain-Feingold days used for
get-out-the-vote drives and issue advertising -- the theory is that
those functions, along with the unlimited funds from big donors like
Soros can be shifted to "527’s".
In essence, "527’s" claim to have immunity from sunshine reporting and
all other strictures demanded by the FEC under BCRA, because they were
created under the U.S. Tax code. It’s like a drunk driver saying the
traffic laws don’t apply to him because anti-pollution laws in a vehicle
cover him. Hiding under the "527" category are some very inbred
Democratic Party operatives – all on the radical left. Their
organizations have become stealth political parties – in the case of
Soros’ benefaction, stealth ultra-left, anti-gun-rights political parties.
And unlike the Democratic or Republican parties, nobody elects those who
control "527" functions, and many of these organizations aided by Soros
operate in near total secrecy.
Some – like former Clinton White House operative Harold Ickes’ Media
Fund – which scant press reports say will be launching attack ads
against President Bush -- can’t be found in a Google Search. Some are
merely addresses in nowhere.
The Washington Post, perhaps the only media outlet waking up to the
depth of this scam, editorialized on an entity created in Texas called
the Sustainable World Corp., incorporated on December 10, 2003. A few
days later it split $3.1 million between a "527" called Joint Victory
Campaign 2004 and the Ickes Media Fund. The Post noted that the only
public information available on the Sustainable World Corp. is a Houston
post office box, and that its registered agent refused to identify the
principals of his client.
Another "527" listed on the IRS website called "Campaign for a
Progressive Future" (CPF) has expenditures tied to the Million Mom
March. It has an address in the tiny town of Washington, Virginia. Among
its donors are George Soros and Soros Fund Management and the Irene
Diamond Fund, which helped bankroll the NAACP anti-gun lawsuit. Each
Fund gave the CPF $500,000. A Google Search on the CPF produces nothing
but an information page under the heading "Silent Partners" from the
Center for Public Integrity, which lists the group as an "organization
that supports candidates opposed by the National Rifle Association."
(The NRA-ILA Website provides a good but necessarily sketchy a fact
sheet as well.)
In his NPR NOW interview, Soros claimed, "I am contributing to
independent organizations that are by law forbidden to coordinate their
activities with political parties or candidates." That is what he sees
as the only restriction on his obscene soft money largess.
But a search on the Democratic National Committee Website for the words
"" produces a few paragraphs that raise instant questions for
One item says, "The DNC is also conducting a major petition drive in
partnership with More than 310,000 Americans have signed the
petition to protect our courts - with more than 172,000 of those
signatures coming in the past 36 hours. The petition calls on Bush and
the Republicans to stop nominating judges that are out of step with
mainstream Americans and praising the Democrats for standing up for
their rights." The DNC website links the petition.
The other announcement involved what the DNC called "a massive public
mobilization" in which "The Democratic Party is partnering with…" to fight President Bush’s tax cuts.
But this is just the beginning of obvious coordination of this "527" and
the DNC. A December 9, 2003 In These Times magazine cover-story
described the work of a small network of radical "527’s" including Voter Fund which were "created after McCain-Feingold to
circumvent the ban on soft money. Named for the section of the tax code
that regulates them, these progressive 527s -- nearly all funded and
organized by traditional Democratic allies such as labor, environmental
and reproductive rights groups -- can raise huge sums of unregulated
money for voter education and registration so long as they do not
advocate for a specific candidate."
As for their source of "huge sums of unregulated money," the article
says, "So far the 527’s haven't had much of a problem finding cash,
thanks in no small part to billionaire financier George Soros, who has
donated $12 million so far to 527’s and has pledged millions more."
George has in reality shut down the traditional functions of political
parties. Campaign finance reforms have allowed a small handful of left
wing radicals to hijack the key machinery of a whole segment American
The key stealth "527" organization funded by Soros is something called
American’s Coming Together (ACT), to which Soros reportedly provided
$10-million in seed money.
An August 8, 2003 press release from the group said, "A new political
action committee, America Coming Together (ACT), will undertake a
substantial effort in 17 key states to defeat President George W. Bush
and elect progressive officials at every level in 2004, and to engage
and mobilize millions of voters on key public issues." The press release
characterization was a slip of the tongue. In fact, ACT is not a
political action committee at all but a 527.
Sugar-daddy Soros’ America Coming Together is headed by Steve Rosenthal,
formerly the Political Director of the AFL-CIO, whose title is now Chief
Executive Officer of ACT, and by and Ellen R. Malcom, founder of EMILY’s
list, the nation’s most notable pro-abortion "special interest"
political action committee. Ms. Malcolm’s title is President, though the
ACT website says she will keep her post at EMILY’s List.
In addition the ACT website lists:
Minyon Moore, "formerly Chief Operations Officer for the Democratic
National Committee;" Gina Glantz, the former national campaign manager
for the Bill Bradley for President Campaign; Cecile Richards, "President
of America Votes, a coalition of 17 national organizations working
together to educate and mobilize voters in the 2004 elections…;" Andy
Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU);
and Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club. Pope is listed as
ACT’s Treasurer.
There’s more. An Internet search produces a press release on the
Democratic National Committee website announcing Minyon Moore’s August
2002 departure as the DNC’s Chief Operating Officer to work for Dewey
Square Group, a Democratic political consultancy.
According to the DNC, "Moore served as White House political director
under President Clinton, as Political Director of the DNC… Moore will
continue to serve as a senior advisor to the DNC and to Chairman (Terry)
McAuliff." In addition, the chairman said, "I couldn’t be more thrilled
than to nominate her to serve as an At-Large DNC member as well as a
member of the DNC’s executive committee." The release quotes Ms. Moore:
"I look forward to maintaining a close relationship with the DNC in my
new position at Dewy Square…"
Cecile Richards is the activist daughter of Anne Richards, the former
Governor of Texas who lost her job to George W. Bush. She is a former
organizer for the Service Employees Union and is President of America
Votes, which just so happen to be another 527 organization getting soft
money. Before coming to America Votes, Ms. Richards was Deputy Chief of
Staff to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
At Ms. Richard’s America Votes website ( the group
claims to be a "non-partisan political organization" which includes
among its "coalition," – you guessed it – America Coming Together. Also
among the 17 America Votes affiliates are the Service Employees Union,
the Sierra Club and EMILY’s list.
The address for America Votes is:
888 16th St., N.W. Suite 440
Washington, D.C. 20006
Incidentally, that is the same address as America Coming Together, which
is located one door down at suite 450.
And it is the address of another 527 "stealth PAC" – The Partnership for
America’s Families, which according to The Center for Public Integrity,
received funding from the Dewey Square Group, Ms. Moore’s employer, and
DNC consultant.
There is a phrase for this. Political incest.
In case there is any doubt about the possibility of coordination with a
party, 888 16th Street is the same address as the Democratic National
Committee’s temporary headquarters.
How on earth can anybody pretend there is no coordination?
Author Christopher Hayes’ description in the In These Times, article,
"Door by Door -- Progressives hit the streets in massive voter outreach,
bears repeating:
"These field operations will be supervised, coordinated and executed by
these same dozen so-called 527s, such as Americans Coming Together and
America Votes, created after McCain-Feingold to circumvent the ban on
soft money."
"Issue advocacy and voter contact in an election year is nothing new,
but never before have progressive groups come together to coordinate
their efforts, pool their resources and collectively execute the
program. Although the organizational structure binding the half-dozen
largest 527s is to a certain extent ad hoc, most of the groups are
staffed by the same pool of veteran political organizers and
headquartered in the same office building at 888 16th St.-across the
street from the AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C.
"Alongside groups that will manage and execute the field operations are
a few 527s, like America Votes, dedicated solely to coordinating these
"The energy surrounding field efforts is palpable, and many veteran
party activists and organizers who were critical of the ways in which
the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act would end up handcuffing the
Democrats now say that birth of the 527s has reinvigorated the party by
moving money and manpower outside the Democratic National Committee and
closer to activists."
So there it is. In the pre-McCain-Feingold political world, national
parties, with officials elected by members, with platforms debated in
open forums, with all sorts of sunshine through existing campaign laws,
were the center of power. Now, under the "reform," power is in the hands
of people who know no party discipline, hold no responsibility to
voters, and are indeed beholden for their very existence to a few "very
large donors."
And where are the big reformers in all of this?
Remarkably, McCain – whose face was everywhere on television
pontificating about the corruption of soft money and sham ads during the
years leading to enactment of BCRA -- has been deadly silent about
Soros’ huge soft money donations. And he is silent about the unfettered
television attack ad campaign by
An October 28, 2003 Bloomberg News Wire story did quote someone closely
associated with McCain: ‘"The McCain Feingold bill was not intended to
drive money from politics’ said Trevor Potter, a former FEC chairman who
worked for McCain…’George Soros has a constitutional right to spend
$10-million.’" Potter was among the heavyweight Washington attorneys
defending the law in court.
As for Russell Feingold, the Wisconsin Senator was quoted in that same
Bloomberg piece as saying, "The soft money ban was designed to break the
connection between big money and elected officials, not to dry up or
clamp down on political activism."
So’s massive anti-Bush ad campaign morphs from
"electioneering communication," to "political activism." And Soros’
obscene infusion of money to change the ideological direction of the
nation is not "soft money" and has no connection with elected officials.
In the looking-glass-world of campaign finance reformers, "A rose by any
other name…" is not a rose at all. In the floor debate John McCain
looked to the future and to circumvention of the law he was forcing by
sleight of hand on the American people.
"Do I believe that any law will prove effective over time? No, I do not.
Were we to pass this legislation today, I am sure that at some time in
the future, hopefully many years from now, we will need to address some
new circumvention. So what? So we have to debate this matter again. Is
that such a burden on us or our successors that we should simply be
indifferent to the abundant evidence of at least the appearance of
corruption," he said.
That last notion – "the appearance of corruption" was the essence of the
case for banning "soft money" and for banning non-profit corporations
like the NRA and unions from spending money on pre-election issue
advocacy ads. There was never any evidence of corruption. No Senator or
Congressman got up and pointed the finger or confessed that a vote was
bought and paid for.
Senator Russ Feingold summed it up, saying, "We are going to talk about
corruption, but, more importantly, what is much more obvious and much
more relevant is the appearance of corruption. It is what it does to our
Government and our system when people think there may be corruption even
if it may not exist."
But the corruption does exist and its name is "527."
Herb Kohl, another of the sanctimonious supporters of McCain- Feingold,
gave the best Alice in Wonderland description of fraud the Congress was
about to foist on the American electorate, saying "Let me be clear, I do
not believe that our system is corrupt or that elected officials are
corrupted by campaign contributions. However, I agree that we must
combat the perception of corruption.
"Whether the presence of unlimited political contributions is corrupting
or whether it just creates the appearance of corruption, the damage is
done," he said.
Open your eyes, Senator. The appearance may well be the reality, and you
voted to create it.