Post by Mark TrailPost by Reality_Check©Post by Mark TrailPost by M***@torOn Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:51:29 -0500, Sarah Houston
Post by Sarah HoustonThis is absolutely shameful and disgusting. The Democrats appear
intent on destroying this country before they'll allow us to
become less dependent on foreign oil!
Eight years of Repug leadership has gotten us into several wars to
secure the dependency on foreign oil.
Funny then that we aren't importing any more oil from Iraq than
before the war, isn't it?
You lying assbag.
"Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere!"
TCP: The Iraq Survey Group is expected to file a comprehensive report
soon on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Reports indicate that it
will conclude Saddam had no WMD. But you disagree with that belief.
Why do you disagree and is it more likely WMD are still inside Iraq,
or have they been moved?
DeLong: I think what the report will say is, just like everybody else
has said, there is no proof there was WMD. There will be no
definitive statement in this report. I can state, unequivocally,
there was WMD in Iraq before and during the war. You have
multiple-source intelligence. Also, from other Arab leaders as
Tommy Franks says in his book King Abdullah said Saddam has WMD.
President Mubarek of Egypt said you have to be very careful going in,
because Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Other leaders who
have chosen not to be named said the same thing. We had technical
intelligence that saw the same thing.
Two days before March 19, 2003, we saw quite a number of vehicles
going into Syria. We could not go after them because we said we'd
give Saddam 48 hours. A lot of (Iraqi) leaders went into Syria, and a
lot of WMD went into Syria. We've gotten indications some went into
Lebanon, and probably some went into Iran.
The size of Iraq is roughly, in square miles, the same size as
California. Seven-eighths of the country is arid desert land. We've
done calculations that you could probably bury 16 Eiffel Towers or
Empire State Buildings and never find them in the desert. Just four
months ago, they were digging for something out in the middle of
the desert and they hit something. It was a MIG-25 Foxbat that the
Iraqis buried in the sand. We never would have found this thing.
Biological Weapons, you could put almost your whole program in a
suitcase. You could probably put your whole chemical weapons industry
inside a van. Yes, they did have it and right today they can't find
it. The people we've captured, like Dr. Germ and Chemical Ali, the
murderer of the Kurds, aren't talking.