Post by Bruce WatsonThat's because the amended bill bans smoking in restaurants with a
certain kind of liquor license. Several lawmakers said they were
unaware of that.,1299,DRMN_37_3738858,00.html
Very interesting - it seems that the only reason the bill is as tough
as it is, is because lawmakers misunderstood what it actually did.
Is this a case of incompetence or is there some active deception going
on by the ban's proponents?
|"We've got to correct that," said Sen. Ken Kester, R-Las Animas.
|"I thought (the ban) only applied to restaurants without liquor
|But it turns out that the Colorado Restaurant Association, which
|backed the original ban, now can't support the bill.
|"Before, businesses were losing customers to other cities that allowed
|smoking," said association president Pete Meersman.
|"Now they're going to lose them to the business next door."
Well, I guess Bruce can go back to calling restaurant associations
shills of big tobacco now.
|During the debate Thursday, Republican Sens. Mark Hillman of
|Burlington and Jim Dyer of Centennial renewed their opposition
|to any kind of smoking ban.
|"Show me the customer, show me the workers that have no
|choice but to go in and breathe smoke-filled air. Show me the
|group of militant smokers forcing nonsmokers to breathe that
|smoke," Hillman said.
|"They don't exist."