(too old to reply)
2004-11-29 23:16:42 UTC
Safeway finally offered some potatoes that actually tasted like potatoes.
There has been so much hybridized and GM, plus over chemically fertilized
junk offered for the last several years I thought I'd never taste normal
potatoes again. Sorry to say these are not from the San Luis Valley.
They are Clear Water #1 Russets from the distributor Crown Jewels Marketing,
Fresno, CA
Get 'em while you can and ask for them. Hopefully they'll start to carry
them. If not, you can contact the distributor directly and they will ship
to you.
2004-12-09 00:16:57 UTC
I have learned that Safeway will not order produce for you. You take what
you get which in this case, is Colorado grown GM potatoes that taste like
something other than potatoes. Safeway is not willing to order brands. We
are denied choice and even the knowledge of what we are offered.
So watch your Safeway, buy the Clear Water #1 and if you find they are as
good as I think they are, order directly from Fresno CA. Its the only way
you'll get what you choose to eat.
No wonder the Brits insist GM foods from the US be labeled on the shelves.
We are kept in the dark intentionally.
