NRA ALERT FOR Colorado! And comment!
(too old to reply)
Jane Galt
2013-03-01 21:11:19 UTC
Glenn Beck had five rape survivors on his TV program this week and they did
a powerful job of refuting the recent speeches in the Colorado Legislature,
that were in favor of even more idiotic useless gun laws, by some
***condescending chauvinist pigs*** like Joe Salazar and his Marxist
allies. Like rape itself, gun control is not about guns, it's about
control. It's the moral equivalent of raping our human rights!




*Urgent Update Regarding a Time Change of Important Senate Committee
Hearings on Monday*

As previously reported
& st=10470 & ps=>, this Monday, March 4, the Senate State, Veterans,
and Military Affairs Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee will
hear several anti-gun bills. If passed and enacted into law, these
bills will be the most sweeping and extreme package of Second
Amendment-infringing legislation in Colorado history.

*Please note: The times of these committee hearings have recently
changed and both will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Monday*

Please attend these important committee hearings, and testify in
opposition to the following bills:

House Bill 1224 <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/22663/0/>–
Bans magazines with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds. (Passed by
a 34-31 vote in the House)

House Bill 1226 <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/22664/0/>–
Repeals current law allowing individuals with a concealed carry permit
to carry a firearm for self-defense on a college or university campus.
(Passed by a 34-31 vote in the House)

House Bill 1228 <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/22665/0/>–
Imposes a “gun tax” for a background check when purchasing a
firearm. (Passed by a 33-32 vote in the House)

House Bill 1229 <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/22666/0/>–
Criminalizes the private transfer of a firearm. (Passed by a 36-29
vote in the House)

Senate Bill 196 <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/22667/0/>–Holds
gun manufacturers of certain semi-automatic rifles liable for crimes
committed with their firearms. This is a direct violation of the
federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

*If you are unable to testify in person, please contact your state
Senator and respectfully urge him or her to vote NO on these bills.
For help identifying your state Senator and their contact information,
please*click here* <http://www.nramedia.org/t/1220564/75599985/21341/0/

*Details for testifying on Monday, March 4:*

- At 10:30, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear the following
bills in the Old Supreme Court Chamber (Room 220) of the state

HB 1224 and SB 196

- Also at 10:30, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs
Committee will hear the following bills in Senate Committee Room 356
on the third floor of the state Capitol:

HB 1229, HB 1228, and HB 1226

- Please make plans to arrive at the state Capitol in Denver no later
than 9:45 a.m.

- Once you arrive, please make your way to the respective committee
rooms so you can sign up to testify in opposition to these measures.
You will be assigned a number indicating the order you will be able to
testify. This will allow all interested parties the opportunity to
testify before both committees.

- Please note, you will be limited to three minutes of testimony in
each committee to address all of the bills.

Please also contact members of both committees in opposition to these

_*Senate Judiciary Committee:*_

*Senator Lucia Guzman (Chair)*

*Senator Jessie Ulibarri (Vice Chair)*

*Senator Irene Aguilar*

*Senator Steve King*

*Senator Kevin Lundberg*

_*Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee:*_

*Senator Angela Giron (Chair)*

*Senator Matt Jones (Vice-Chair)*

*Senator Ted Harvey*

*Senator Evie Hudak*

*Senator Larry Crowder*

Jim Dietrich
2013-03-01 23:53:36 UTC
Hispanics though they hate Blacks, vote about the same.
